Quotidian Anthropocenes

explores how “the Anthropocene” is playing out on the ground in different settings. The aim is to create both situated, place-based and comparative perspective, building new modes of collective knowledge and action. [Project Website]

Formosa Plastics Archive

a growing collection of reports, images and videos documenting the operations of the global petrochemical company Formosa Plastics. Project Website

Transnational STS COVID-19 Project

brings together researchers in the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) to follow and analyze COVID-19 as it plays out in different settings. Project Website

Visualizing Toxic Places

a collaborative experiment with new ethnographic methods and modes of expression. The project is designed to explore “toxicity” in many guises (chemical, discursive, gendered, mediated, and others), “place” (as an analytic focus in ethnography, in experience, as site of governance, and so on), and ways “toxic places” can be conveyed and analyzed through diverse modes of visualization. Project Website

Beyond Environmental Injustice

this reseach and teaching collective supports educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who want to help us carry Beyond Environmental Injustice (B-EiJ) teaching forward in both formal and informal educational settings (working with kids, elders and all between). Project Website